What is Your Market Research Identity?
Is it time to slaughter your sacred research cows? The relative interest in the recent post about the census surprised…
Predictive Analytics: 8 Things to Keep in Mind (Part 6)
Theme 6: Delivering the prediction at the point of decision is critical In 2007, my wife worked as a hospitalist…
Statistical learning with MARS
Steve Miller at the InformationManagement blog has been looking at predictive analytics tools for business intelligence applications, and naturally turns…
A Hollywood Celebrity’s Use of Analytics
At a recent CFO.com magazine conference I attended, Accenture’s Jeanne G. Harris, co-author of the recently published book Analytics at…
Advanced Analytics
A major item organizations grapple with is the concept of advanced analytics. They want it, but have little idea how…
Rock Paper Scissors – Market Decision Making
"The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are…
Looking at Trees to Understand the Forest
David Simon (of The Wire fame) has sucked me into another brilliant television series with Generation Kill. It is the story of…
The power of business analytics
I recently presented at IBM's CIO Leadership Exchange on the power of business analytics. With 300+ of IBM's top…
Predictive Analytics and Politics – Part 1
One of the most interesting applications of Data/Text Mining and Information Extraction is Politics. I started collecting information from various…
Web Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
In “Chapters from My Autobiography”, Mark Twain wrote, “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” While over one hundred years…