The Iceland Volcano Ash – A Great Way to Validate Business Analytics
Like many business travelers my flight home to the USA was delayed several days due to the Iceland volcano ash…
R and the Next Big Thing
I've been traveling for the past few days (for the R/Finance 2010 conference in Chicago), so I'd missed much of…
The Ascent of Ranking Algorithms
Algorithmic ranking is on the rise. Everywhere I turn, something or the other is being ranked analytically. Ranking web pages…
Analytics Can Answer: “Why Can’t … ?
Are you curious as I am about why these questions have not been solved? Why can’t traffic intersection stoplights…
First Look – Rogue Wave
Rogue Wave Software is a company I know through their acquisition of Visual Numerics (VNI) (first reviewed here). Owned by…
Lessons from Social Media Meet-Up, Part I – Measuring is Easy; Evaluation is Hard.
I had the pleasure of attending the Social Media Meet-Up this week. In general, it was a very informative day…
First Look – SAS In-Database Analytics
SAS has been rolling out its in-database and in-warehouse analytics over the last few months and I thought it was…
When the data point tells a different story
I grew up on a farm, surrounded by all “Old MacDonald’s” animals. What many farmers’ sons and daughters know is…
New Rexer Analytics survey
I recently got the survey results from the annual data mining survey that Karl Rexer or Rexer Analytics runs. You…
dataFUD: Manage your information resources
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt in your data is a feature of organisations who are failing to effectively manage their…