Why IT Doesn’t “Get” Analytics (and Why the Time is Right for Change)
Over one hundred customers were online, poised to hear the webinar. Moments like this can be business magic, but they…
How Does Predictive Analytics Work?
Understanding the basics of predictive analytics is as easy as saying your ABC’s: A: What is it?
Analytics, Schmanalytics! How to Evaluate an Analyst
When you need your taxes prepared, you hire a CPA. When you’ve got a bridge to build, you hire a…
Defending Your Analytics: Handling Hecklers
The Nature of the Beast The trumpet sounds and the matador, dressed in gold, parades into the ring as a…
Talk Analytics with Executives: 4 Things You Must Understand
Data analysis isn’t something you do for your own entertainment. Businesses pay for analytics to support decision-making, to provide them…
Ensuring safety and process reliabilty through predictive analytics and PMML
Predictive analytics is an integral part of our daily lives. At this very moment, predictive solutions are busy at work,…
Probability and Karl Rove
I was getting ready to drive to the airport in Los Angeles his morning when I got an unusual cell-phone…
Analytics: Frequency Distribution & Bell Curves
A statistical method we often overlook is the distribution curve. I think most of the time it is dismissed because…
Early Indications October 2010: The Analytics Moment: Getting numbers to tell stories
Thanks in part to vigorous efforts by vendors (led by IBM) to bring the idea to a wider public, analytics…
Not your typical financial risk model: A detailed data analysis example
I’ve not done a lot of analysis in the finance industry, and my Google searches didn’t yield helpful insights for…