Data Mining Fundamentals: Khabaza’s 9 Laws of Data Mining
Once, the term “data mining” was only used to describe a specific new culture of business people using innovative methods…
Putting the “Social” in Social BI: Meet Lou Jordano
Meet Spotfire’s new director of product marketing, Lou Jordano (@LouJordano). Today, we’re sharing Lou’s thoughts on why he joined Spotfire…
Forex Trading with R : Part 2
In the previous post the first steps were given for building the basis for trading forex. Now it is time…
Analytics and the Bottom line: How Organizations Build Success | Harvard Business Review
By Tom Davenport, Jeanne Harris Analytics in business is about far more than just reporting. Thanks to bestsellers such as Moneyball and Super…
How to Reward Relationships Using Social Media Analytics
Here at CI we realize that we are not the only ones working hard in the social media and text…
Predictive Analytics Innovation
The Predictive Analytics Summit, a relative newcomer to the Predictive Analytics conference circuit, will be held in San Diego on…
Webinar with James Taylor — 10 Best Practices in Operational Analytics
I'll be presenting a webinar with James Taylor this Wednesday at 10AM PST entitled "10 best practices in operational analytics".
Strata Review by Ted Leung
Ted Leung has written an thoughtful review of last week's Strata: Making Data Work conference, and with more detail than…
We’re Not Artists: The Craft of Influencing Decision Makers
It’s frustrating. You put weeks into careful research and analysis, rehearse a big presentation, and the manager spends the whole…
Data Visualization: Accelerating the Decision Management Process
International Data Corporation (IDC) recently released a new