Semantic analytics serves the truth & vegetables from a social media diet
Greg Greentstreet, our CTO & SVP Engineering here at CI, watched and distributed Eli Pariser’s video “Beware Online Filter Bubbles”…
Less Wrong: Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Budgeting
Last week Grant and Tadd (co-owners at CAN) presented their insight on the concept of being “Less Wrong” on day…
Blogging from the Gartner BI Summit: Day 3
It was a great 3 days at the Gartner BI Summit and I thoroughly enjoyed attending a conference dedicated solely…
Blogging from the Gartner BI Summit: Day 2
Members of Qlikview said in their case study session that one of the most powerful things you can glean from…
Brains and Databases: An Obsession with Time Keeping
Data management professionals can add a time dimension to data via the use of temporal databases. However, neuroscientists are also…
In-database analytics and Decision Management
One of the hot topics these days in analytics is “in-database” or “in-warehouse” analytics.
Drivers – Not Just for Golf or Cars
What causes something else to happen? In the field of management the popular term for the “cause” is a driver.…
The Quiet-Eye Period
In Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We…
Role of Business Intelligence in Process Improvement
Bill Gassman spoke on the role of Business Intelligence – BI – in process improvement. Bill means “big BI” –…