Experts, Fortune-tellers and Bookmakers: Zero Points!
If you ever doubted the quality of “expert opinions” and the predictive value of the odds of bookmakers, this year’s…
Measuring the Strong Signal of the Customer’s Voice
SDC interviewed Claude Guay - CEO of iPerceptions - and Duff Anderson, iPerceptions’ VP of research - about their approach…
Reference/Master Data Management Opportunity for All of Us
Raise your hand if your programs have ever struggled with the ”official names” of organizations. Wow! Did you hear that WHOOSH around the…
The Problem That Has No Name
Do you know or do you think you know? What do we call this problem? It certainly involves uncertainty. Maybe…
The Blame Game
When our CEO first received and saw the bad news, she immediately questioned the CFO if there was an accounting…
Prescriptive Analytics – A Step Beyond Predictive Analytics
If it seems like ages ago that you began using descriptive analytics, and you’ve already mastered the data mining, pattern…
Semantic Analytics – Detecting Context within Social Media Conversations
In many ways, we are at the beginning of social media usage and adoption. Most usage charts and graphs are…
Data Tracking for Asthma Sufferers?
Despite the recent privacy row with smartphones and other GPS enabled devices, a Wisconsin doctor is proposing use of an…
No Smokescreen Area: Tips for Hiring Analysts
Lately there’s been talk about a shortage of analytic talent. The perception that there is a shortage of analysts surprises…