How BI and Data Analytics Professionals Used Twitter in May
In May, Twitter was afire with events, more buzz around mobile BI, Watson’s (the computer) progress in medical school and…
Voice of the (Vocal Few) Customer(s)
Working with some of our customers we (and they) see previously unimaginable results. I’m not only talking about hundreds of…
In Defense of Data Mining Ethics
Jim Stodgell has a though-provoking post at O'Reilly Radar today on the ethics of data mining and personalization. He frames…
What Is Your Dashboard Telling You?
One of my favorite analogies is that pertaining to “dashboards”. For the past year or so, everyone has been asking…
Predictive Analytics Spotlight from IBM
Deepak Advani kicked off day 2. SPSS was acquired by IBM in 2009 and, like all acquisitions, has to report…
Information Availability: Exploiting the Full Value of Information to Drive Business
Year after year, analyst survey results show that CIOs view their top priority to be aligning with business strategy and…
Big Data and the New Face of Commerce
Here's a simple task, let's say you have an antique that you want to sell on eBay and you need…
Data Mining Interview: Guillaume Main
Guillaume Main is the creator of Statosphère, one of the most famous blog about statistics in France. He accepted to…
Using Social Media Analytics to Extend Business Intelligence
Applying social media analytics to surface consumer insights. A dynamic, always-on dashboard can help your organization track key social media…
New Online R Courses from
Online training provider has introduced a couple of new R-related courses which are well worth checking out. These are…