Building an Analytical Portal to Support Analytical Culture
CAN was started in 2008, to make predictive analytics applicable and accessible to businesses of almost any size. To fulfill our…
Unifying Your Social and Private Data Analytics – Creating an Integrated Customer Data Hub
Analyzing social media conversations, while critical to surfacing real-time customer considerations and preferences, represents only part of the equation to…
Many Kinds of Analytics, One Approach to Maximize Their Value
Working with clients it is clear that the interest in analytics has never been greater than it is today. Yet…
Big Data: What can an energy company teach us about data science?
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Economist’s first Information Conference on big data and the disruption…
More Spocky, Less Rocky
On the shelves in the business section of any bookstore are numerous books about leadership and management. I have never…
Data Visualization Best Practices for Business Intelligence
Data analysis. What’s the point of it? Your first reaction might be to scoff at, or dismiss this question as…
Big-Data PCA: 50 Years of Stock Data
In this post, Revolution engineer Sherry LaMonica shows us how to use the RevoScaleR big-data package in Revolution R Enterprise…
Where Ichiro Hits: Cluster Analysis
Google research scientist Peter Hauck used Weka and k-means cluster analysis to describe where Mariners right-fielder Ichiro favours hitting the…