Forget Derivatives – Hedge Risks with Innovation and Integrated Data
To protect against wild currency swings or volatile commodity costs, one surefire strategy employed by senior managers is hedging risk…
First Look – IBM In-Database Analytics
IBM SPSS has been supporting in-database analytic modeling for a while now. Their objective is to make it possible for…
Yet another ‘Wisdom of Crowds’ success
I was at the Federal Building downtown San Diego for a consulting job, and met some representatives for a life…
Analyzing Community Data – Business Insights at Your Fingertips
Insights into consumer behavior and preferences can be surfaced not only from social media conversations but may also be found…
Realtime Data Pipelines
In life there are really two major types of data analytics. Firstly, we don’t know what we want to know…
Where Causal Clarity Matters the Most
This week, three members of the Fitzgerald Analytics team are attending, participating, and speaking at The Nexus Global Youth Summit on…
Medicare Cost Analysis – Guest Radio Appearance to Explore Data-Driven Insights
On Thursday, July 28th Jaime Fitzgerald, will approach the challenges of Medicare costs and quality via analytics, as a…
Automating Your Text Analytics Process
Big Data Requires a Text Analytics Approach that Scales It’s hard to pinpoint when and how a small project had…
Digital Universe Study: Extracting Value from Chaos
I've just been reading the 5th annual Digital Universe study from IDC, released by EMC last month. This year's study…
The Luck and Skill of Scrabble
Scrabble is a game that involves both skill and luck. There's skill in knowing the words you can play and…