Redefining Business Intelligence
For many years, eCommerce took a mass market, broad strokes approach. Marketers would throw idea after idea against the wall,…
Sentiment – A Potential Mirage on the Data Horizon
(This post was written by Peter Knoblock, a senior analyst at Collective Intellect)
Beyond the Data Management Basics
Fast Company recently ran a fantastic article on the success and futures of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. These companies do…
The CEO Wants Analytics! Now What?
The Big Guy just read the latest popular business book. Now he wants a piece of the hot analytics-on-data action!…
Marshall Sponder on Social Media Analytics and Gaining Analytics a Seat at the Corporate Table
(I actually disagree quite a bit regarding Marshall’s view of enterprise monitoring tools unable to create valid data sampling and…
USAF Prevents Insomnia with Geospatial
What causes sleepless nights? For sure, too much caffeine can keep your eyelids open, however it’s more likely that worry…
The Data Analytics of Halloween – Infographic
Happy Halloween! This year, data geeks can rejoice because “geeky chic” is the top costume of Halloween. According to today’s…