When Is ‘Big Data’ Too Big for Analytics?
Apologies for the lack of recent posts. I've been *very* busy on many Data Mining Analytics projects in my role…
New Insights from Text Analytics
Text Analytics has gained the attention it deserves in the past few years. Sentiment Analysis is perhaps the most frequently…
Operationalize Your Big Data Analytics Program
Big Data Analytics is now moving beyond the realm of intellectual curiosity to having a tangible impact on business. At…
The Data Analytics of Thanksgiving
Today, nearly 91% of Americans will don their stretchy pants for a turkey dinner. In honor of the day of…
Some Thoughts on the Levels of Automation of a Decision
A recent post on the IBM Good Decisions Blog – When Should You Automate a Business Decision? contains a list…
The Business Value of Collaborative Analytics
Companies that have developed advanced analytical capabilities will be more competitive than their peers whose analytical aptitudes aren’t as fully…
Integrated Data Among Top Challenges P&G, Kraft and Others Face in Tapping Gartner’s “The Power of Me”
At first glance, the title of a Gartner research paper released a few days ago can be misleading.
The “Intelligent Car” May Be Just Around the Corner
Earlier this year, I noted on this blog that automakers were focusing more and more on their vehicle’s software rather…
Why We Need to Deal with Big Data in R
Responding to the birth rates analysis in the post earlier this week on big-data analysis with Revolution R Enterprise, Luis Apiolaza…