Social Media Analytics – 5 Featured Sessions at TAW San Francisco
Social Media Analytics at Text Analytics World San Francisco
The ‘Big Data’ Buzz – Revolution or Evolution?
‘Big data’ is THE hot new business buzzword of 2012. In this article I want to explore whether big data…
Big Data, Enterprise Data and Discrete Data
Total Data Management The data management world is buzzing about big data. Many are the number of blog posts articles…
Text Analytics for Telecommunications – Part 1
As discussed in the previous post, performing Text Analytics for a language for which no tools exist is not an…
Maximizing the Business Value of Big Data
We are experiencing an information revolution that provides companies with unprecedented opportunities to capitalize on the mountains of data being…
Looking Back on 2011: BI, Mobility and Collaboration
To understand more about spending on technology for information workers, Forrester Research surveyed more than 2,700 IT executives and technology…
What are Advanced Segments in Google Analytics and Why You Should Use Them
I’ll never forget the words of Avinash Kaushik, speaking at a recent S
SAS BI Dashboard: Google Analytics Dashboard Kicked Up a Notch
Google Analytics uses data from your Website to prepare a neat looking application where you can explore your data and…
Building Blocks for Your Social Data Integration Solution
In the previous two posts, I have presented a basic approach for enterprises to embark on the Social Media integration…
What are Advanced Segments in Google Analytics and Why Should You Use Them?
I’ll never forget the words of