The Data Analytics of Valentine’s Day
What’s the big deal about a holiday invented by the greeting card companies? The U.S. Census Bureau reports that a…
Business Intelligence – The Power of Human Emotion
2011 was noted as the year that demonstrated the "power of the human emotion.” It was the year where human…
Using Analytics to Identify New Valuable Customers
Value segments can provide useful information for the development of effective Acquisition models. Acquisition campaigns aim at the increase of…
Why Big Data Mining / Analytics is the New Gold Rush
Just mention the words “Big Data” to any technology entrepreneur or investor and observe how his/her face lights up with…
Sentiment Analytics – The Gold Mine, which you didn’t Mine!
It’s really a no brainer that Customer Satisfaction matters. Every IT or Business unit I’ve known, considers Customer Satisfatction, a…
Analytics: What’s Passion Got to Do with It?
Long, long ago, in a land far, far away, there were frogs. Lots and lotsa frogs. Oh, the frogs were…
Unstructured data is a myth
Couldn't resist that headline! But seriously, if you peel the proverbial onion enough, you will see that the lack of…
Yellowfin’s Year in Review: Top 9 Business Intelligence developments of 2011
Inexorable and unrelenting. These words encapsulate the collective year that was in Business Intelligence (BI). The constant interaction between marketplace…
Big Data Analytics: The Future is Already Here
As the Big Data movement gains momentum we’ll find more and more reasons to rethink how we actually create value out of…