Converting Data into Decisions
It’s the era of big data. Companies are inundated with data within and outside their enterprises, and it’s critical that…
Better than Brute Force: Big Data Analytics Tips
Long before I encountered the term “Big Data,” questions about dealing with large datasets were a routine part of my…
Selling Data Mining to Management
Preparing data and building data mining models are two very well documented steps of analytics projects. However, whatever interesting your…
Target, Pregnancy, and Predictive Analytics – Part I
There have been a plethora of tweets about the New York Times article "How Companies Learn Your Secrets", mostly focused…
Taking a Dimension-Free View of Data
One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is the intimidating nature of big data.
First Look – FICO Model Central
FICO Model Central is the latest addition to FICO’s Decision Management platform and is focused on lifecycle management of predictive…
The Data Analytics of Valentine’s Day
What’s the big deal about a holiday invented by the greeting card companies? The U.S. Census Bureau reports that a…
Business Intelligence – The Power of Human Emotion
2011 was noted as the year that demonstrated the "power of the human emotion.” It was the year where human…
Using Analytics to Identify New Valuable Customers
Value segments can provide useful information for the development of effective Acquisition models. Acquisition campaigns aim at the increase of…