New Big Data Applications
Wikibon’s Jeff Kelly bravely put a stake in the ground recently, first among IT market observers, by
Visier Workforce Analytics After the Show
I am pleased to have this opportunity to share my experiences of participating in the 8th HR Metrics and Performance…
Two Opposing Views on Smart Meter Data Analytics
Quite a dichotomy has emerged in the utilities industry over when to develop meter data analytics. As I spoke recently…
Alteryx’s Business Analytics Empowers New Generation of Data Artisans
I attended the Alteryx user conference called Inspire 2012 (Twitter: #Inspire12) in Denver this week. This fairly new analytics software company…
New Report on Decision Management Technologies – The Four Capabilities
As regular readers know, we have released the first version of our Decision Management Systems Platform Technology report. The core…
Top 14 Business Intelligence predictions for 2012
Don’t confuse continuity for laziness. On face value, rehashing events already transpired as ‘predictions’ may create the appearance of lethargy.…
Just One Word, Ben – “Data”
What advice would you give Benjamin Bradock in 2012? The attached inforgraphic from EMC makes a compelling case for choosing…
SDC @ Strata – Edd Dumbill – Rockstar Unicorns
Edd Dumbill of O'Reilly, creators and hosts of the Strat Conferences, opened the day saying, "Companies are asking, 'How do…