5 Sure-Fire Ways to Use Analytics to Become a Social Business
Many executives see social media as another way to connect with customers and prospects.
Splunk: Big Data Machine for Operational Intelligence
Splunk recently entered the financial markets as a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: SPLK) and also entered a new phase in its…
What Is Hadoop? Here is a 101 with Mike Olson
Every technologist I know has been working to learn more about Hadoop. I bet you are already somewhat familiar with…
Data Mining Interview: Meta Brown
Meta Brown, General Manager of Analytics at LinguaSys, has kindly accepted to answer a few questions for Data Mining Research.…
CISPA Passes in the House, 3D Modelling of DoD Networks, and More
Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news round-up:
Fashion + Analytics + Social = The Perfect Ensemble
I’ll be presenting at Decoded Fashion next week at the Lincoln Center in New York:
IBM Makes Big Data Deal for Vivisimo and Supports Cloudera Hadoop
Through a series of acquisitions and organic development over the last five years, IBM has established itself as a leader…
Tips To Get Your Organization Ready For Big Data
With all the hype about big data many organizations are trying to figure out how to fully and immediately capitalize…
Another Wisdom of Crowds Prediction Win at eMetrics / Predictive Analytics World
This past week at Predictive Analytics World / Toronto (PAW) has been a great time for connecting with thought leaders…
Big Data Statistics in the Search for a Cure for MS
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating and complex disease with an unknown cause — and for which there is currently no…