Analytics for Creating More Choices
Choice covers both the capacity to control people and events, and an underlying belief in the possibility of such control.…
How Business Analytics Can Lead to That ‘Aha’ Moment
Does your company know why it does what it does? Does it have a clear sense of the products and…
Kronos Supercharges Workforce Analytics with New Technology
Adoption of workforce analytics is increasing as organizations seek to recruit and retain employees more effectively and ensure that their…
Mariano Rivera’s Baseball Prowess, Illustrated with R
Kevin Quealy, graphics editor at the New York Times, has published another fascinating behind-the-scenes look at how the Times creates data…
Forrester’s Customer Experience Forum 2012
For decades, companies have been paying lip service to the idea of delighting customers, while disappointing them in every channel.…
A Million Monkeys Demonstrate the Power of Hadoop
There are many great use cases for Apache Hadoop, the open source framework for scalable, reliable, and distributed computing on…
Big Data Will Need 1.5 Million Data Scientists | Dice
How many of these jobs can be performed by bots (computer programs)? Here's the story:
From Big Data to Smart Data: Supporting Critical Business Decisions
Last week at Lithium's LiNC event I did a session on big data with Lithium Principal Scientist Dr Michael Wu.…
Fight Back Against Black Swan Fatigue
In today’s lean, just-in-time, and over optimized world, it’s not uncommon for executives roll their eyes when the term “Black…