Klout CEO Gets Sauteed at LeWeb London
At today’s LeWeb London conference, Alexia Tsotsis of TechCrunch interviewed Joe Fernandez, Co-Founder & CEO of Klout.
Can Big Data Analytics Solve “Too Big to Fail” Banking Complexity?
Despite investing millions upon millions of dollars in information technology systems, analytical modeling and PhD talent sourced from the best…
CIO.com: R is a Big Data open-source technology to watch
CIO.com recently published its list of 9 open-source technologies to watch. Hadoop is first on the list, and second up…
Adding Business to Analytics
As per Wikipedia “A simple definition of analytics is the science of analysis… Business managers may choose to make decisions…
When “Little Data” Can Do the Trick
Sometimes it’s good to step out of one’s normal activities just to see what ideas get sparked or unexpected connections…
Text Analytics, Big Data and the Keys to ROI
When you were a child, and the grownups asked what you wanted to do when you grew up, you said,…
What’s the Definition of ‘Big Data’? Who Cares?
It has been entertaining to see how so many people are arguing over how to define big data. There is…
Birthday Probabilities: Heat Map vs. R
Last week, Joe Rickert used R and four years of US Census data to create an image plot of the…
Tips for Executives – How to Create a Culture of Evidence
We’re often asked how do we create a Culture of Evidence? Most leaders know that they should be more evidence-based…
The Joy of Stats: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes
If you’ve ever wished that important results from smart analytics could come to life – you will definitely envy the magic…