Forecasting Olympic Medals
The 2012 Summer Olympics in London are just around the corner, and it's sure to be an exciting time for…
The Objectives of Forecasting: Narrow and Broad
Free The BFDThe BFD has been on a short hiatus, fending off potential litigation with the organizing committee of a…
Big Data Holds Big Promise for Government
Much of the focus around using business analytics to interpret big data has revolved around the private sector, as companies…
No Data, No Problem: My Lean Six Sigma Data Collection Secrets
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this- “WE DON’T HAVE THE DATA FOR THIS, I guess…
Connection Cloud: Realizing Value from Proliferating Siloed Data Stores and BI
Late last month Silicon Valley legend, Roger Sippl, launched Connection Cloud via his new start-up, Elastic Intelligence. You might remember…
Evolving the Formula 1 Racer
Since the first Formula 1 auto race in 1950, the drive for faster lap times, more reliability, and changes in…
Analytics Admittance: Adults Unaccompanied by Minors
The Motion Picture Association of America's film rating system rates a film's content suitability for variuos audiences. For example, A…