Swiss Association for Analytics
End of last year, I was invited to present at BaQMAR 2011. This exciting event was organized by a group…
Three Primary Analytics Lessons Learned from 9/11
Regarding the Al Qaeda terrorist attacks on 9/11, it’s distressing to learn there were plenty of chances to stop them. …
Could You Be POTUS?
Business forecasting is a dismal field of endeavor, fit for dismal people like myself. In an attempt to make this field…
When Performance Metrics Attack: Complete, Agile BI Requires Going Beyond Just the Numbers
I'm currently reading Howard Schultz's Onward: How Starbucks Fought for its Life Without Losing its Soul (2010). Schultz compellingly conveys…
Announcing the CTOvision Weekly Analytical Report
With this post CTOvision is announcing the new CTOvision Weekly Analytical Report. This report provides insights and information on emerging…
Using R in Production: Industry Experts Share Their Experiences
I had a great time yesterday moderating the "R in Action" panel discussion at the DataWeek conference in San Francisco.…
So What Is Prescriptive Analytics?
Today every business is surfing in the ever expanding sea of data & using analytics for getting the edge over…
McLaren Shows The Way — Telemetry For Your Business?
The McLaren Group, known for its Grand Prix racing team and iconic Formula 1 cars, announced earlier this year that it…
5 Ways to Get More Out of Google Analytics
Google analytics is one of the best free tools for any internet business bar none. While it is free, you’re…
ACM Data Mining Talk: Representing Solutions with PMML
Dr. Alex Guazzelli's talk on PMML and Predictive Analytics to the ACM Data Mining Bay Area/SF group at the LinkedIn…