The Journey from Big Data to Big Promise
It’s well known that big data is usually stated in terms of the three Vs: Volume, Variety and Velocity. The…
The Road to Operational Analytics
Operational analytics is making headlines in 2013. But why is it important? And why is it more likely to succeed…
Decision Management and In-Memory Technology
In-memory databases and in-memory analytics are interesting technologies when it comes to Decision Management Systems. Memory is thousands of times faster…
Social Collaboration Is in Finance’s Future
Finance departments don’t immediately come to mind in conversations about social collaboration technology. Most of the software used for social…
Helpful or Creepy? Avoid Crossing the Line with Big Data
One of the most discussed concerns surrounding big data today is privacy. While many powerful analytics are possible with the…
The Big Data Talent Shortage: Are H1-B Visa Holders the Solution?
There are recent arguments claiming that there is not a tech talent shortage in the US based on a surplus…
ROI for Big Data and Analytics
I had the honor to be on The Interop Conference Big Data Panel in Las Vegas yesterday. The panel was…
Using Big Data Intelligently: Four Types of Discovery Technology
Information technology for business is changing rapidly as organizations demand innovation to help them discover insights and facts. Our research into…
Explaining Real-Time Predictive Analytics with Big Data [VIDEO]
In my presentation to the Strata Santa Clara 2013 conference earlier this year, my goal was to give a succinct…
Big Social Data Can Unlock the Power of Engaged Viewers
One of the most powerful aspects of social media and the social business intelligence it enables are the derivative properties…