The Dirty (Not so Secret) Secret of IT Budgets
Some business users believe that every year IT is handed a budget, which is then fully used to drive new…
The Personas that Matter the Most in Business Analytics
As a new generation of business professionals embraces a new generation of technology, the line between people and their tools…
Nexidia Advances Customer Interaction Analytics
Nexidia is best known as a vendor of speech analytics. It was one of the first in this market, and a…
In the Cloud: Innovating Information Management
Innovation is often about finding new ideas or applying existing ideas in new ways to bring about beneficial change. Innovation…
CEO to CEO: The Importance of an Encrypted Cloud [VIDEO]
In a recent Lloyd survey, cyber risk was the third largest overall concern for CEOs and senior executives. The information…
Danger: 3 Reasons to Be Scared of Big Data
Just imagine you are sitting on your sofa watching American Idol on TV when you and your partner have a…
10 Greatest Challenges Preventing Businesses from Capitalizing on Big Data [INFOGRAPHIC]
A research from Tata Consultancy Services among 1.217 companies about how companies invest in big data and derive results from…
Beware Cloud Washing: 6 Ways to Spot Fake “Cloud” CRM
The current popularity of cloud technology is understandable. In the same way that traditional computer systems were a vast improvement…
Survey Says Only 7% of European Companies Rate Big Data as Relevant [VIDEO]
Welcome to BI.TV – your vendor agnostic fortnightly recap of global Business Intelligence and analytics news, views and reviews. *For…
Big Data and Data Science: Is This Hype?
Big Data is one of those heavily abused technology terms today. It’s become a catch-all phrase used to fit any…