Naming and Classifying: Text Analysis Vs. Text Analytics
Analysts and marketers do a lot of naming and classifying -- This is a That -- in order to communicate…
The Coming Monetization of Big Data
Big data has consistently been one of the hottest trends to dominate the business world for the past few years,…
Business Intelligence Usage Evolving Subtly
While business intelligence and analytics tactics have become securely entrenched as parts of the enterprise world over the past few…
Taking the Proper Approach to Big Data
As a new year begins, businesses in all industries across the world are strategizing how they can do better in…
Watson 2.0, Platform Thinking and Data Marketplaces
Few computing and technological achievements rival IBM’s Watson. Its impressive accomplishments to this point include high-profile victories in chess and Jeopardy! Few…
SAS Visual Analytics: How Catwoman Influenced My Data
Eartha Kitt was the best Cat Woman. It’s true – her voice and diction was what made her so purr-fect…
Book Review: Information is Beautiful by David McCandless
Information is Beautiful is a thought provoking labour of love by one of the first true data journalists, David McCandless.…
Health Care Analytics Market Will Grow Considerably in 2014
As a whole sector, the field of health care has found a great deal of uses for big data and…
Coming Trends in Analytics Application and Implementation
Because the past few years have been pretty good ones for big data and analytics, it stands to reason that…