Drivers – Not Just for Golf or Cars
What causes something else to happen? In the field of management the popular term for the “cause” is a driver.…
Evaluating Successful Predictive Analytics Solutions
Numerous studies exist regarding the use of many different kinds of mathematical techniques. From an academic standpoint, the arguments supporting…
Black Swans Causing a Rethink on Global Supply Chains?
A fair percentage of academicians and corporate supply chain experts agree that running supply chains “lean and mean” with just…
Getting Smarter About Water?
There are 326 million trillion gallons of water on the earth, however 98% of that water is undrinkable because it’s…
Guest Blog: Data 2.0 Conference Report
Note: This post was written by Scott Nicholson, a Senior Data Scientist at LinkedIn. Scott is data and modeling…
Leveraging Customer Data to Drive Business Decisions
Interesting panel with folks from the Venetian, Marriott and Nextag discussing customer intelligence. First they were asked about their use…
First Look – SAS/OR
I have been doing more thinking about optimization recently and thought I should get caught up with the OR (Operations…
Why Predicting the Future is So Darn Difficult
Predicting the future is difficult—just ask George Soros. While Soros is often celebrated for the $1 billion profit he made…