It’s Not the Tool, but How it is Used

A research note from the 451 Group “Open source is not a business model” discussed that selling open source is…

RickSherman RickSherman 4 Min Read

More Market Consolidation

We were all waiting for Oracle to respond to the IBM acquisition of Ilog.  Here it is. the Haley acquisition,…

Editor SDC Editor SDC 2 Min Read

Oracle buys Haley

Copyright © 2008 James Taylor. Visit the original article at Oracle buys Haley.Well after SAP bought YASU and IBM bought…

JamesTaylor JamesTaylor 1 Min Read

Investing in Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence During Recessionary Times (Part 1 of 2)

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” wrote Charles Dickens in 1859, in the opening…

Editor SDC Editor SDC 9 Min Read

Perfect Survey Series: Building a Better Survey

Surveys are supposed to provide organizations with information about the needs of their customers and prospects, the hope is that…

SundeepKapur1 SundeepKapur1 3 Min Read

Why ‘Event Driven Architecture’ is more than ‘Complex Event Processing’

Today’s mantra:“EDA is an architecture; CEP is a technique…”Jack van Hoof, who has written extensively on all things EDA, says…

JoeMcKendrick JoeMcKendrick 2 Min Read

Rules and Process Management for Insurers

Chubb has been working with Blaze Advisor to automate a number of decisions. They began with specialty lines underwriting (automated…

JamesTaylor JamesTaylor 2 Min Read

Social Performance Management and Customer Data: FitBit

I stumbled upon this website over the weekend: FitBit, and wouldn’t have thought about it again until I read this…

RonDimon RonDimon 3 Min Read

“We had the data, but we didn’t have the information.”

Business intelligence analyst Boris Evelson wrote a nice post on the Forrester Blog entitled ”… we had the data, but we…

Daniel Tunkelang Daniel Tunkelang 2 Min Read

Recession’s benefits for BI

A recession would benefit business intelligence, say two industry experts I talked to last week. Former TDWI education director Dave…

TedCuzzillo TedCuzzillo 3 Min Read