Micro Economies of Attention
Oscar Berg just alerted me to a nice post on the Connectbeam Social Computing Blog about “Micro Economies of Attention”…
When Telecom customers complain-Pt. 2
On the previous post I explained the first steps in deploying Information Extraction, Text Mining and Computational Linguistics to capture the…
Automating Regression Models :KXEN
Note: I have used KXEN both for modeling internet leads in 2008 as well as for consumer finance propensity models…
11 Parallels Between Architecture and Interface Design
I had a fascinating discussion with my sister-in-law, a real-life professional Architect, about the parallels between her work and the…
Transparency vs. Simplicity
As regular readers know, I am strong advocate for transparency in any system where people interact with machines. In fact,…
5 Phases of Data Analytics Maturation: Part 1
Recently, while meeting with one of our clients, they mentioned their desire to provide their customer's business team with the…
A tough attribution problem: Do Marketing Affiliates deserve all the credit they get?
Recently, I received a tough question from one of the well known web analysts in our industry. “Your book did…
Of Crowds, Both Wise and Foolish
The surest sign that a phrase has entered broad usage is to apply the cliche test: if you leave the…
Decisioning in Volatile Times—Probability, Intuition or Inaction?
No doubt, we live in volatile times. The complexity, interconnectedness and intricacy of global markets is causing executives around the…
Why Google Chrome has a bad market share ?
Google Chrome has a less than 1% market share despite being technically advanced, and open source. One reason is incompatibilty…