Make More Out of Product Reviews: Take them Offline too!
Given the times that we live in, most marketers are eager to make more out of what they already have.…
Not By Links Alone
Dan Farber recently shared this observation about the future of journalism: While the Internet is growing as the place…
Five Good Things
For the next 11 days, I'll be continuing a series, "Twelve Days of Net Work," over on the AppGap. Each…
We have a winner!
The Wine Enthusiast ran an interesting multi-channel campaign - an ad in the Wall Street Journal was followed by email,…
R –Refcards and Basic I/O Operations
While working with a large number of files for data processing, I used the following R commands for data processing.…
Only Google…
No other major SaaS company in the world could get away with this approach to paying customers. Not only Google…
Putting the Social back in Social Networks
Merry Christmas / and Happy Newton Day to all! I hope all of you are spending some time offline for…
At the national level, making homes energy efficient is becoming…
At the national level, making homes energy efficient is becoming serious business. Worldwide, it is estimated that buildings account for…
Recently, spectacular advances in medical imaging combined with…
Recently, spectacular advances in medical imaging combined with mathematical tools for modelling the human immune system have provided a base…
A peculiar quantum-physics property called entanglement can be…
A peculiar quantum-physics property called entanglement can be harnessed to make detectors—similar in principle to radar systems used to track…