Google and Amazon as Benchmarkers

One of the most interesting aspects of cloud computing is the opportunity for benchmarking. Instead of paying market research firms…

3 Min Read

SaaS Business Process Outsourcing Buying Attitude

Citrix just published the results of a survey on the purchasing behavior, perceptions, and attitudes towards Software-as-a-Service. The survey results…

3 Min Read

Red Dog and Windows Cloud: Microsoft is coming!

Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference 2008 makes it clear that the nature of software development is radically changing. Microsoft, as no…

3 Min Read

SaaS business development

There is a great group discussion regarding cloud computing at Google Groups. In one thread titled Brutal reality of SaaS...…

4 Min Read

Bluehouse is in public beta

IBM announced cloud computing applications at Lotusphere in January of this year. A service called Bluehouse is a web-delivered social…

2 Min Read

Data is the differentiator

In the previous posts (lingo, federated clouds, smallest Cloud Computer, ) we simplified the notion of cloud computing as a…

5 Min Read

Cloud Computing Lingo

To understand all the marketing information that bear the label "cloud computing" it is helpful to have a quick glossary…

6 Min Read

HPC is dead, long live HPC!

With the advent of web scale computing, genetics, and data mining for business intelligence the need for computer performance is…

3 Min Read

Open Source and free data

Two articles that are just wonderfully expansive... came across these articles researching and thinking about SaaS and PaaS and what…

2 Min Read

Comparing Costs of Different Cloud Computing Providers

The past month we have been trying to quantify the cost of moving some of our workloads into the cloud.…

3 Min Read