Pervasive DataRush
I’ve made a few references to Pervasive DataRush in the past — like this one — but I’ve never gotten…
Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Trends: 9 for ’09
“It’s the economy, stupid” will be the dominant theme for 2009. A recession, consumer and corporate anxiety, and constrained IT…
What is intelligence if it isn’t defined by…
What is intelligence if it isn’t defined by behavior? “The brain uses vast amounts of memory to create a model…
Advanced analytics, particularly predictive and statistical…
Advanced analytics, particularly predictive and statistical modeling, have gained a reputation as a sort of gold standard for prediction and…
“One of the things our grandchildren will find quaintest about us is that we distinguish the digital…”
“One of the things our grandchildren will find quaintest about us is that we distinguish the digital from the real,…
My Thoughts on Social Media for Press Release PR
Danny Brown over at Press Release PR has been running a series called “discussing social media with…” today I participated…
Washing Machine hack sends twitter message when wash is done…
Washing Machine hack sends twitter message when wash is done (via ryanjrose)
Critics of carbon capture and storage (CCS) often deride the…
Critics of carbon capture and storage (CCS) often deride the scale of infrastructure required for CCS to make a meaningful…
With over 30 shopping-related APIs and 300+ mashups tagged…
With over 30 shopping-related APIs and 300+ mashups tagged shopping it’s clear that ecommerce and shopping will be a vital…