“While touring IBM’s Innovation lab at Lotusphere last…
“While touring IBM’s Innovation lab at Lotusphere last week, I was surprised to see IBM is also tackling this problem…
Our work attempts to predict patient response to a combination…
Our work attempts to predict patient response to a combination of antiretroviral treatments by using a data-driven prediction system. Such…
What Your Company Says vs What Your Users Say
What does your company do and what services do they offer? What problem do they solve? Like most companies I’m…
Soft talk: What is service oriented communications, and why will it matter?
Can we build our phone systems as standardized applications or services that will easily plug into the rest of our…
EMX reaches $10,000 SMS spam settlement with ACMA
http://www.itnews.com.au/News/92141,emx-reaches-10000-sms-spam-settlement-with-acma.aspx This was an interesting article that talked about a small firm(EMX) in Sidney, Australia that was fined by Australia’s…
5 Tips To Help You
According to MediaPost there are five areas that tend to have the most problems. First, subject lines should coincide with…
SIGIR ‘09 Industry Track: The Details You’ve Been Waiting For
Several weeks ago, I announced that I’d be organizing the Industry Track at SIGIR ‘09. Some of you offered helpful…
2009 Marketing Trends and Thoughts on Web 2.0
Marketing Tip- On Web 2.0 Focus on Best Practices, Not Technology or Specific Players/Channels Lisa Merriam, President of Merriam…
Is Google Serious about Exploratory Search?
I just noticed this post by Sarah Perez on ReadWriteWeb: “Google: “We’re Not Doing a Good Job with Structured Data“.…
Choosing colors in R
R has very powerful capabilities for choosing colors to use in statistical graphics. With the rgb function, you can choose…