Big Data Options Spark Confusion On Web Design Options For SMEs

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Big data is streamlining the web design process. Companies have started leveraging big data tools to create higher quality designs, personalize content and ensure their websites are resilient against cyberattacks.

Last summer, Big Data Analytics News discussed the benefits of using big data in web design. Many of the benefits of big data are outstanding. However, some people have been misled into believing that big data enables them to create high quality websites without any experience.

This is simply not the case. Big data can do a lot of things, but it doesn’t enable you to create websites without any expertise. Online website builders may use machine learning and other big data tools, but they don’t replace the need for expertise as a web development expert.

Big Data Tools Are No Substitute for Seasoned Web Developers

Online website builders have changed the face of modern web design. AI and big data have made them more popular than ever. Some tools, such as Bookmark, actually go as far as to advertise themselves as “AI website builders.”

Many companies forego the process of hiring web developers and decide to use data-driven website builders to create their websites themselves. However, this solution is not always the optimal choice. You should know why investing in web development services may pay off, especially in the long run.

Cost is one of the most important factors people take into consideration when choosing between hiring a web developer and using an online builder. Many business owners simply don’t think that they can afford to pay for the services of a professional web designer. However, it’s definitely worth hiring a seasoned web design professional if you have the money to do so.

Why is hiring a web designer the best option? The answer is simple – you save time. Also, if your site is well designed, then its content structure be compromised when you make future changes. 

Even with machine learning advances online website builders are poor substitutes for coding and design knowledge

Big data is changing the nature of web development, but it is not necessarily making it easier. Online website builders that use machine learning and other big data features are easily accessible and have simple interfaces. As a result, the average website builder is an easy tool to work with, especially if it uses machine learning to streamline the process. At least, that’s how it seems at first glance.

Unfortunately, they are more difficult to use than you might think. Big data has made them a bit easier to use, but there is still a huge learning curve. If you are designing something more complex than a business card type, then you will need to spend a lot of time figuring it out. A modern website builder allows amateurs without any real knowledge of coding languages to create a website. 

So, are online website builders actually free? The answer is no.

Many business owners are tempted to use these website creators, because they are free. However, this is more of a slogan than a fact. It’s not a mystery that the free features of online website builders are usually limited. This means that you will be able to choose from a small number of free templates, while the rest will remain paid. Moreover, if you decide to own your unique domain, it obviously won’t be free. Usually, these creators offer a few different plans. The truth is, you can find way more affordable domain hosting than these – but they don’t come with the design. 

Web developers use their knowledge of design and big data tools to bring your vision to life

You may be overestimating the benefits of becoming a designer on your own. It may seem like you are simplifying the process, but it might be a lot more difficult than you think. While it can be tempting to use the ready-made templates, your ability to create high quality designs is not as great as you would like to think. 

Why would it be worth hiring a web developer if you can use a professional-looking design available on one of the online website builders? The template is the keyword here. Of course, it makes constructing a website much easier. However, at the same time, using a template significantly limits your possibilities. Ready-made designs can look really good but once you start editing them, this impression can easily disappear.

Web development services – a key to stand out from the crowd

Web development services allow you to achieve a result that completely matches your expectations. An experienced designer will follow your concept, polish it up and bring it to reality. The results will be stunning. If you have an unconventional idea, there is no better choice than hiring a web developer. A good-looking website is a standard to use in most industries these days. In addition to showcasing your commitment to professionalism, a high-quality website is also going to be an excellent marketing tool. The more eye-catching it is, the easier it is to attract new clients. Most generic templates reduce your chances of grabbing your viewer’s attention. Check the examples of innovative solutions on

Investing in web development services instead of using a website builder is especially recommended to medium-sized and big companies. In their case, cooperation with professionals is crucial, as website errors can result in significant financial loss. However, if you are a small entrepreneur with long-term plans, hiring a web developer will also definitely work for you. An experienced professionalist can not only bring your vision to life but also advise you and control the website during the further stages of the company’s development.

Big Data Has Not Eliminated the Need for Quality Web Designers

Big data is changing the future of modern web design. However, it has not made quality developers obsolete. You should be willing to pay for the exceptional service they offer.

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