Big Data Makes Multilingual Responsive Design A Reality

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Every website needs to provide a great user experience for its visitors. This is a principle that has been true since the earliest days of the Internet. However, it is becoming even more important, especially as user expectations are increasing and Google has started heavily relying on engagement statistics from analytics data as part of its ranking algorithm. This is one big reason that multilingual responsive design is so important and more achievable than ever. This has created some significant challenges for businesses that operate in different regions. If they don’t offer the best possible user experience for those customers, then their rankings can drop for keywords some of the languages is that provide a lot of traffic. This will translate into a much lower ROI from their international marketing strategy since ranking for the best keywords is key to getting the most value from your site. The good news is that new advances in big data have made improving user experience for website visitors in different parts of the world easier than ever. Here are some ways that digital marketers are tapping big data to create responsive website designs for users all over the world.

Providing a higher-quality multilingual experience with translation tools that use machine learning algorithms

Neil Patel is a very prominent digital marketer that has used international traffic to improve the ROI of his web properties. Patel said that he has received a lot of traffic from other countries, which have helped him generate revenue. He first made this observation after looking at his Google Analytics data, which prompted him to invest in some translation services to customize his content. When he first wrote his blog post on the experience, Patel said that he would pay native speakers to translate his best content. He felt that the Google Translate wasn’t a great tool for translating web content. However, he would still depend on it for his lower quality posts. While he raised a very valid point, other translation tools are much more effective. TechCrunch’s Devin Coldeway says other tools like DeepL depend on machine learning algorithms to provide much higher quality translations. is one of the best translation because it depends on the most sophisticated algorithms. As these tools scan larger numbers of multilingual websites and receive feedback from their users, the quality of their translations will continue to improve. This makes translating much more cost-effective, so brands can use the highest quality content.

Merge CDN platforms with predictive analytics models to customize the aesthetics for customers in every region

Content delivery networks (CDNs) are excellent for optimizing content for customers in different regions. However, you need to know what website elements customers in different regions will respond the best too. Finding out what color schemes and fonts will appeal to them the most will make a huge impact on your ROI. Understanding how to customize the call-to-action on different parts of your site is also very important. The CDN will detect the IP address of their customers and refer them to the nearest server. This ensures that the content loads as quickly as possible, which is the next sensual part of the UX optimization process. You can also program a CDN to change the theme and layout of your website to match what those customers are looking for. In addition to using a CDN, you should also use analytics tools to conduct experiments to see how users in different areas respond to different color schemes and layouts. These experiments can be incorporated into predictive analytics models that will help you create the best performing website scheme for customers in different countries. It is important to use this data with predictive analytics models instead of trying to make these observations yourself because you will probably overlook important casual relationships between different website elements and user engagement. You develop your own predictive analytics models with bespoke application development.

Big Data is the Key to Multilingual Marketing

Digital marketing has become a much more global profession in recent years. Marketers are investing in new big data solutions to get the most value of their content and reach customers all over the world. The benefits cannot be overstated, as deep learning and predictive analytics has played a key role in boosting the ROI of their international marketing strategies.

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