
75 Articles

Business Intelligence Foundations

When I stopped at Steve's house, his wife directed me to the…

10 Min Read

SAS: Great Revenues in a Bad Economy

Jim Goodnight, the CEO of SAS, is happy. Not only did Gartner…

Declining Business Intelligence Jobs in 2009?

For some time now, I have used Monster job searches to gauge…

How to Choose Between Cognos and WebFOCUS?

A Google searcher from New Jersey arrived at my blog with the…

Business Intelligence and Finance

Carl Weinschenk is addressing Business Intelligence topics from the viewpoint of those…

Why Use Reporting Repositories for Business Intelligence?

I regularly review web statistics with interest to see how Google searches…

Gartner’s 2009Q1 Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms

Some people anticipate the Super Bowl, try-outs for American Idol, the Oscars,…

Need for Speed

A friend posted on Facebook pictures of his motorcycles, adding a comment…

Reflections on Gate 24

It only took me a few minutes to walk the entire length…

Free BI for Higher Ed

For over five years, Microstrategy has been part of an educational service…