The Los Angeles Police Department Predicts and Fights Crime With Big Data
When the movie Minority Report was released in 2002, the predicting and…
What Big Data Can Do for the Legal Industry [VIDEO]
Big Data can do a lot for the legal practice, as I…
Are You Ready for the Future of the Internet of Things? [INFOGRAPHIC]
We are living in exponential times and the Internet of Things is…
A Look Into How Data Centers Actually Work [INFOGRAPHIC]
Everything on the Internet has a home and these homes are typically…
What the Internet of Things Means for Physical Industries [VIDEO]
The extension of the Internet to the physical world is a huge…
How Big Data Centers Impact the Environment [INFOGRAPHIC]
Big Data requires massive data centres to store all the data that…
A Data-Centric Approach Will Lead To Customer Centricity
A few years ago, with the rise of social media, many organisations…
Why Data Quality Is of Utmost Importance in Information-Centric Organisations
High quality data will lead to valuable information and insights for your…
The Big Data Era: How Should Consumers Deal With the New Definition of Privacy?
Organisations like Google, Facebook and Amazon are building extensive profiles of you…
How Your Sensor Data and The Internet of Things Can Save You a Lot of Money
The Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, Internet of Everything, no matter how…