How Small Data Can Also Be Big Data
Gartner’s definition of big data dates back from 2001, when Doug Laney…
A Closer Look into the Future Big Data Ecosystem [INFOGRAPHIC]
A new big data infographic issued by IDC and sponsored by SAP…
What Are the Questions to Ask When Developing a Big Data Strategy?
A recent story on InformationWeek shows how two CEO’s can view the…
From Machines to Crops to Animals: Big Data Turns Traditional Farming Upside Down
The agricultural industry has seen many changes in the past 100 years.…
How Fashion Retailer Nordstrom Drives Innovation With Big Data Experiments
Nordstrom is an American upscale fashion retailer with 225 stores and doing…
How Big Data Can Improve the Practice of Law
Many industries are starting to see the benefits that can be reaped…
How M2M Data Will Dominate the Big Data Era
Machine-to-Machine data is likely to increase drastically in the coming years. More…
How The Internet of Things Will Create a Smart World [INFOGRAPHIC]
The Internet of Things is an important trend within big data. Within a few…
5 Steps To Data-Driven Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]
At BigData-Startups we know that big data offers a lot of possibilities…