Ria Katiyar

Ria Katiyar is the Content Writer who loves to pen down her understanding and knowledge in simplified and engaging manner. She is an early adopter, likes to stay up to date with the latest trends in the mobile industry and add value to the organization. Besides this, she is fond of reading books, writing short stories and finding answers on Quora.
4 Articles

Understanding the Tremendous Benefits of IoT for Small Businesses

IoT has evolved the technology and made many devices easier to control…

Ria Katiyar
8 Min Read

How the Internet of Things and AI will Transform Sports Business?

If there’s one industry that had previously remained fairly untouched from the…

Ria Katiyar
7 Min Read

The Rise of Machine Learning and AI is Improving Lives in 2018

From voice assistants to self-driving cars, machine learning is revamping not only…

Ria Katiyar
8 Min Read