In recent months, I’ve held many conversations with colleagues and friends about marketing, advertising, public relations, and web design firms who are reinventing themselves under the monikers of new media or new marketing.
I ought to congratulate the firms for their branding efforts, but I am stopped. Unfortunately, I’m finding an increasing frequency of firms who […]
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In recent months, I’ve held many conversations with colleagues and friends about marketing, advertising, public relations, and web design firms who are reinventing themselves under the monikers of new media or new marketing.
I ought to congratulate the firms for their branding efforts, but I am stopped. Unfortunately, I’m finding an increasing frequency of firms who are not sufficiently walking the walk and talking the talk.
If you identify yourself in any of these interactive verticals, you can’t do one or the other; you must do both. Having a Facebook group but not a Twitter profile, or having your principals listed on the corporate website but not LinkedIn is wrong; if for no other reason, than your prevention of me and every other prospective customer or partner to be able to find you and interact with you.
Since I opted to stop blogging about Twitter this month, I figured I’d turn to the best and brightest to help me write this post…
Am I alone to think an interactive web/marketing agency is ludicrous not to use twitter? I probed the twitter cloud yesterday afternoon.

Twitter is but one social networking site. When you consider that a Google search of me results in assorted content of my blog, my social networking profiles, and various stories I’ve written or been profiled in, I ask why I can’t find the same about you.
The recipient of multiple email lists distributed by regional entities, I am routinely disappointed when I stumble across the name of so-and-so leading a workshop on social media. Why can’t I find you when I google you?
If you’re not walking and talking, let me help. Look at my VisualCV (another place you could be, supposing you’re not satisfied with LinkedIn) and contact me today!
Photo credit: clover_1
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