The Future of Market Research | The Institute For The Future, Anthony Townsend
“[P]revailing methodologies are being overturned almost overnight by innovations in economics, psychology and mathematics … market research is swimming in data, and its clear that a gap has opened between the computational ability to store and search that data, and the methodological capability to analyze it. The sensory revolution that is creating similar problems in the hard sciences, is clearly coming home to roost in market research.”
The Future of Market Research | The Institute For The Future, Anthony Townsend
“[P]revailing methodologies are being overturned almost overnight by innovations in economics, psychology and mathematics … market research is swimming in data, and its clear that a gap has opened between the computational ability to store and search that data, and the methodological capability to analyze it. The sensory revolution that is creating similar problems in the hard sciences, is clearly coming home to roost in market research.”
The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.