Big data technology is becoming extremely important for project management in 2021. A growing number of companies are finding new ways to use data-driven tools to streamline various aspects of their projects, including editing workflows.
We talked before about editing data science workflows. Similar technology can be useful for improving overall workflows.
Data-Driven Technology is Invaluable for Editing Workflows
The ability to produce good video impresses the heck out of production and management. Returning a quality product with all the bells and whistles also leads to more work. And this is what you want. This is why you need to know the essential steps to maximize your editing workflow.
There are a lot of big data tools that make workflow management a lot easier. Here are some benefits.
Project Management
A great workflow in the video editing room means knowing how to efficiently tackle a project. Here are a few things to remember that’ll help.
Pump up satisfaction levels
Workflows are the GPS of properly getting to each point of the project. Don’t wander in circles trying to figure it out. Plan and learn to know where you’re going and how to adjust to the unexpected bumps in the road that are a part of the editing process.
You can uses data technology to monitor employees and see how they feel. These employee monitoring applications are great for improving employee satisfaction.
Keep it moving
Editing is made of small parts. Get each part done in a timely fashion. Know the schedule and stay on it. Once a task is complete, get to the next one.
A lot of new machine learning tools are able to analyze the nuances of the process. They will help streamline the process a lot better.
Recognize potential problems
When you have a good workflow, you’ll see how to subdivide projects based on the risk of issues before they come up.
A lot of new predictive analytics models use data from previous projects to identify future problems. This can be ideal for addressing concerns before they occur.
Tips for Improving Video Production with Data Analytics Tools
No matter if you’re new to the game or a seasoned hand, there are processes for creating good video in the first place that makes editing easier later. Here are a few tips for faster and more effective workflows with more advanced data analytics tools.
Keep editing in mind while shooting
In a digital world, it’s nice to have access to gigabytes and gigabytes of footage. But now you have tons of footage to sort through. Cut it back by deleting bad takes straight off the camera. For audio, synching will be easier if you use a cueing point (such as the clapboard or an actual clap) for a matchup.
Organization is key before editing
If your assets aren’t compartmentalized, you’re off to a poor start. Break down your videos (main subject, B-roll, 4K–30 fps, 1080–120 fps), audio (background tracks, sound effects, audio interviews) and visual (film grain overlay packs, light leak transitions) tracks.
Narrow down footage with a first pass
This is both an important and tedious chore. Check your clips, identify what’s worthy of the final cut for a first pass. Color label clips based on worthiness.
Advantageous editing shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are an editor’s best friend. Shortcuts in Adobe Premiere CC lets you make use of settings like In and Out points, ripple trim, keyframe volume/opacity and timeline trimming and streamline video editing.
Exporting media
The last step in the production is exporting video so that it can be prepared for uploading. Use a popular format like .mp4, the recommended file type for sites like YouTube.
Never Assume You Know
Video production requires time and patience. There’s brainstorming and creating actual footage through editing, but there’s one thing to never forget, the more you learn the better you get at trimming the exhaustive editing process. Unfortunately, you can’t assume that you know everything about the latest AI and data analytics workflow management tools, since they are constantly evolving.
Here a few things to keep in mind so that you’re always ready to go to the next level.
Stay on top of hardware
Your hardware has to be on point. Lacking CPU power or memory will slow you down significantly. That leads to crashes, loss of time and pure frustration. If you want to be taken seriously as a videographer, invest in quality hardware.
Great hardware is essential if you want to use the latest data analytics technology. You need hardware that can run more powerful applications that can handle machine learning and other AI capabilities.
Invest in the craft
Free tools will never be as effective as paid software. If you want to create extreme video, you want a product that performs at higher levels. You should also look into learning materials that go beyond YouTube and forums. Transcription services are a must. Something like Tint can cut production by hours when it comes to subtitles.
Know the competition
We’re not talking about the video editor across the street. We’re talking software. Knowing what the platforms are capable of keeps you abreast of the market. From keyboard shortcuts to special effects, you want to know what’s out there and how it affects your ability to stay current.
Free knowledge
Some platforms are so deep it can be difficult to get the most out of them. Check out online communities, follow YouTube channels (but don’t depend solely on them!) and check out any materials your software manufacturer has to offer. The creative process will never be simple (it shouldn’t be; otherwise, everyone could be a video editor). Grab all the education you can.
And be generous with your experiences. Sure, it’s a competitive market, but we can all help each other.