Predictive modeling can be used to reduce risk exposure by using customer information to anticipate likely behavior, such as filing insurance claims or defaulting on a loan. Predictive modeling can also be used as a tool to enhance customer relationships. In one recent case, a large U.S. financial services institution sought to explore the connections between customer loyalty and the products and channels used, and how they contributed to the bank’s financial performance.
IBM Research | On Demand Innovation Services | Risk Management
Predictive modeling can be used to reduce risk exposure by using customer information to anticipate likely behavior, such as filing insurance claims or defaulting on a loan. Predictive modeling can also be used as a tool to enhance customer relationships. In one recent case, a large U.S. financial services institution sought to explore the connections between customer loyalty and the products and channels used, and how they contributed to the bank’s financial performance.
IBM Research | On Demand Innovation Services | Risk Management
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