5 Reasons Amazon Is Taking Over SEO

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ImageSearch engine optimization (SEO) in the US may as well be called “pandering” (or perhaps Panda-ing) to Google, and that makes sense. Google is by far the most popular general search engine in the US, and the best practices it demands from SEO professionals will (or should) be equally as effective with any other search engine.

ImageSearch engine optimization (SEO) in the US may as well be called “pandering” (or perhaps Panda-ing) to Google, and that makes sense. Google is by far the most popular general search engine in the US, and the best practices it demands from SEO professionals will (or should) be equally as effective with any other search engine. However, there’s a new kid on the block (kind of) and his name is Amazon.

Amazon has been around for decades and has been the go-to online shopping resource for years. However, it’s not until recently that SEO gurus have started talking about optimizing for Amazon as well as Google. More and more often, people will go directly to Amazon when they want to query for shopping items. They’re just as like to query “iPhone 6” into Amazon as well as Google when they’re looking for great deals. While there are some great foundational best practices for all types of SEO, it’s also important to note that Amazon is a beast in its own category.

Here are a few key reasons why Amazon is taking over SEO and all website owners and SEO agencies need to prepare:

1. People search different on Google vs. Amazon

The way people intuitively use keywords is something that can’t be controlled. If you’re on Google, you might query “symptoms pneumonia.” It’s very common to leave out articles and basically use text speed in some cases. However, on Amazon queries are more likely to be detailed, perhaps copied and pasted directly from another website. This means keyword variance skills, as described by Search Engine Journal, need to be perfected.

2. Most Americans are shopping online

According to recent reports, the majority of Americans shop online first for research, and most online shoppers are in the 50+ category. The simple fact that the majority of people are heading online for “window shopping” means if your company has a shop Amazon, you need to offer the kind of service your customers expect. If you don’t, somebody else will.

 3. Mobile readiness is already here

It’s already a mobile ready world, so the days of “getting ready for it” are over. It’s a fact: There are more Americans on smart mobile devices than on desktop devices. They’re shopping on their phones while commuting, while in line for coffee, while at the doctor’s office and everywhere else. Check out the Pew Research Internet Project for some jaw-dropping statistics on just how mobile we are.

4. People are impatient

Remember that the goal of SEO is to have your web properties be chosen as the most relevant to searchers’ queries. A recent Google study showed that most people won’t wait longer than an extra blink of an eye for a slow site. Luckily for retailers who sell on Amazon, it’s a fast loading site, so they’ve taken care of that SEO aspect for you. Now it’s up to you to make sure your products show up early in Amazon searches.

5. Online shopping will only continue to grow

Once Amazon starts routinely delivering via drone, more and more people will want to check it out. Online shopping will only continue to grow in the coming years as people score free shipping and realize they can find better deals without leaving the couch.

SEO isn’t just in Google’s court anymore, but are e-tailers taking note? Optimize where it matters, and bear in mind that it’s going to take more than pleasing just Google in 2015.

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