1. Global Warming (2000)
2. 9/11 (2001)
3. Obama (2008)
4. Bailout (2008)
5. Evacuee/refugee (2005): (Survivors of Katrina who had to be rescued)
6. Derivative (2007)
7. Google (2007)
8. Surge (2007)
9. Chinglish (2005)
10. Tsunami (2004)
11. H1N1 (2009)
12. Subprime ( 2007)
13. dot.com (2000)
14. Y2K ( 2000)
15. Misunderestimate (2002)
16. Chad ( 2000): (a la “Hanging Chad” in Florida after the Bush vs. Gore election)
17. Twitter (2008 )
18. WMD (2002) (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
19. Blog (2003)
20. Texting (2004)
21. Slumdog (2008) (Popularized by Slumdog Millionaire)
22. Sustainable (2006)
23. Brokeback (2004) (From Brokeback Mountain)
24. Quagmire (2004) (Referring to the Iraq War)
25. Truthiness (2006) (A contribution from Stephen Colbert)
The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.
1. Global Warming (2000)
2. 9/11 (2001)
3. Obama (2008)
4. Bailout (2008)
5. Evacuee/refugee (2005): (Survivors of Katrina who had to be rescued)
6. Derivative (2007)
7. Google (2007)
8. Surge (2007)
9. Chinglish (2005)
10. Tsunami (2004)
11. H1N1 (2009)
12. Subprime ( 2007)
13. dot.com (2000)
14. Y2K ( 2000)
15. Misunderestimate (2002)
16. Chad ( 2000): (a la “Hanging Chad” in Florida after the Bush vs. Gore election)
17. Twitter (2008 )
18. WMD (2002) (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
19. Blog (2003)
20. Texting (2004)
21. Slumdog (2008) (Popularized by Slumdog Millionaire)
22. Sustainable (2006)
23. Brokeback (2004) (From Brokeback Mountain)
24. Quagmire (2004) (Referring to the Iraq War)
25. Truthiness (2006) (A contribution from Stephen Colbert)
The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.