I recently read an article in one of the major Dutch newspapers (warning – it’s in Dutch!) about their Government’s moves to prevent crime by profiling citizens. The announcement was made by the Minister Of Justice and, not surprisingly, it has caused some discussion within The Netherlands. I wonder what the reaction in Australia would be if the Federal Government announced that all Australians were to be profiled?
- using ‘digital techniques’ (whatever they are) to create profiles of people
- initially this will consist of information on:
- banking
- flight
- internet use
- citizen profiles will then be compared to profiles of convicted criminals
- if/when a match is found, government officials will be sent and email or sms alerting them of this ‘fact’.
But if you look at the wider picture: wow, the implications are serious and widespread!
I recently read an article in one of the major Dutch newspapers (warning – it’s in Dutch!) about their Government’s moves to prevent crime by profiling citizens. The announcement was made by the Minister Of Justice and, not surprisingly, it has caused some discussion within The Netherlands. I wonder what the reaction in Australia would be if the Federal Government announced that all Australians were to be profiled?
- using ‘digital techniques’ (whatever they are) to create profiles of people
- initially this will consist of information on:
- banking
- flight
- internet use
- citizen profiles will then be compared to profiles of convicted criminals
- if/when a match is found, government officials will be sent and email or sms alerting them of this ‘fact’.
But if you look at the wider picture: wow, the implications are serious and widespread!