Articulating the Articulation Index

2 Min Read

In the next couple of posts we will present existing approaches to measure voice quality automatically. This is an important issue as for telecom industry as well as for media industries and at a certain point we’ll present a proof for that. One of the methods is the so-called Articulation Index …

In the next couple of posts we will present existing approaches to measure voice quality automatically. This is an important issue as for telecom industry as well as for media industries and at a certain point we’ll present a proof for that.

One of the methods is the so-called Articulation Index (AI). The idea is that the whole frequency range of speech signal is divided into 20 bands and the signal/noise ratio is determined within the band. The band broad is defined in such a way, that every band contributes equally in speech perception. The signal/noise ratio is calculated within every band. Articulation index is supposed to be equal the weighted total of the band values.

And one of the main disadvantages of the method is that articulation index does not take into account the properties of hearing and speech production, although it directs towards speech signal.

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