Many a times I am asked whether social networking is worth it ( Yes) and why it is so tough ( No, it isn’t).
Social Net Working ??
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So here I am putting together a bare bones essential set of Social Networks dos to help you be […]
Many a times I am asked whether social networking is worth it ( Yes) and why it is so tough ( No, it isn’t).

Social Net Working ??
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So here I am putting together a bare bones essential set of Social Networks dos to help you be a social networking master.
1) LinkedIn
- Profile – Go and create a LinkedIn profile at ( if you don’t have one, I suggest you create it and then come back to the article).
Make sure your LinkedIn profile has the following
- Nice presentable professional photo
- Correct Work history
- Good and Verifiable Recommendations
- Enough keywords to help people searching for people of your skills
- Make your profile visible with a customized URL (as in )
2) – This is for small communities , and you can create customized communities based on your interests or join existing ones. You can even put ads and earn from the ads, pat a small amount to to transfer your domain name to a website. The best such community I have seen is thanks especially to the hard work put there and quality of people coming in. More interactive the community, more buzz it spreads, and attracts even more people- It is a circle of virtue.Opposite for low activity communities.You choose and create a group on a big existing community rather than re invent the wheel by creating a small community on your own.
3) – You can create a Facebook page for your business, send invites asking your friends and customers to be fans , give updates via Facebook, even set multiple levels of what people can see or cant see in your Facebook profile to separate your friends with your business associates. The groups features on Facebook is just as well designed as for LinkedIn.
4) – A very good article on using Twitter is by Sandro here
Twitter can help you attract many small followers, and you can give updates of your website or your business created to your clients ,associates,colleagues,friends and the whole world. It can even be chosen as a live chat for customer service or for answering questions.It has privacy options as well so you can send it only to the people whom you choose to connect with.
LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning and Twitter – 4 great ways to start social networking and get free publicity for your business and your website.
5) Blogs – Blogs or weblogs can be created on and for writing about your product and service in semi informal manner.
It is recommended you create your own website and do your blog there ( see previous article at )
Add for communicating with people all over the world without exposing your phone number and a Website for displaying your goods and services, and your Web 2.0 strategy for a small player trying to survive the recession is ready to begin.
And that my dear reader, was the social networking thing !!! Let me know your comments and thoughts below