How are Supply Chain Executives dealing with today’s challenges and how do they see the Supply Chain of the Future? What opportunities for greater coordination, integration and collaboration? How are they coping with supply chain risk? What is the Supply Chain executives role in this volatile environment? IBM asked 400 Senior Supply Chain professionals worldwide what they thought. Some of the answers might surprise you. IBM Global Chief Supply Chain Officer Study 2009
How are Supply Chain Executives dealing with today’s challenges and how do they see the Supply Chain of the Future? What opportunities for greater coordination, integration and collaboration? How are they coping with supply chain risk? What is the Supply Chain executives role in this volatile environment? IBM asked 400 Senior Supply Chain professionals worldwide what they thought. Some of the answers might surprise you. IBM Global Chief Supply Chain Officer Study 2009
The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.