Information used to be a river, flowing in one predictable…

1 Min Read

Information used to be a river, flowing in one predictable direction with a visible source. No more.
Today, it’s a roiling ocean of data, constantly expanding its shores. In fact, nearly 15 petabytes of data are created every day—eight times more than the information in all the libraries in the U.S. It can be a daunting task for any enterprise to sift through massive amounts of data, extract information and transform it into actionable knowledge

Information used to be a river, flowing in one predictable direction with a visible source. No more.
Today, it’s a roiling ocean of data, constantly expanding its shores. In fact, nearly 15 petabytes of data are created every day—eight times more than the information in all the libraries in the U.S. It can be a daunting task for any enterprise to sift through massive amounts of data, extract information and transform it into actionable knowledge. But action without analysis is just guessing. (via IBM – A smarter planet – New intelligence)
The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.

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