Optimal Technologies International Inc. – SMARTGRID Our Optimal…

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Optimal Technologies International Inc. – SMARTGRID

Our Optimal Solution can analyze the vast, dynamically changing data from electric power networks at unprecedented levels of detail, accuracy, and speed, taking into consideration multiple simultaneous system objectives. Additionaly this technology can identify hundreds of specific adjustments that collectively can find significant efficiencies of 10% or more while simultaneously increasing rel

Optimal Technologies International Inc. – SMARTGRID

Our Optimal Solution can analyze the vast, dynamically changing data from electric power networks at unprecedented levels of detail, accuracy, and speed, taking into consideration multiple simultaneous system objectives. Additionaly this technology can identify hundreds of specific adjustments that collectively can find significant efficiencies of 10% or more while simultaneously increasing reliability to otherwise unprecedented levels, there by avoiding blackouts altogether.

The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.

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