“Unlike some of the other technological evolutions, Cloud Computing is actually a paradigm shift from the way we used software in the traditional desktop and on-premise world. It needs an entirely new thinking and mindset. Whenever such paradigm shift occurs in the technology world, we could see fear, skepticism, reluctance, etc. towards its adaption. The shift from status quo to new technology also happens suddenly because once the critical mas…
“Unlike some of the other technological evolutions, Cloud Computing is actually a paradigm shift from the way we used software in the traditional desktop and on-premise world. It needs an entirely new thinking and mindset. Whenever such paradigm shift occurs in the technology world, we could see fear, skepticism, reluctance, etc. towards its adaption. The shift from status quo to new technology also happens suddenly because once the critical mass is reached, the adaption becomes more widespread and it doesn’t follow any linear trend.”
– Paradigm Shifts and Market Trends | CloudAve
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