Did you know that big data consumption increased 5,000% between 2010 and 2020? This should come as no surprise. It is going to continue to change the workforce in the process.
Big data technology is changing countless aspects of our lives. A growing number of careers are predicated on the use of data analytics, AI and similar technologies.
It is important to be aware of the changes brought on by developments in big data. This will help you stay up to date with the necessary skills and project the future demand for your profession.
What Fields Are Growing the Fastest as the Result of Advances in Big Data
Analysts predict global technologization trends for the following decade. Thus, IT, automation, and robotics will affect all areas of life. Along with the intensive development of IT and eco-design, the service sector will also grow.
The essence of medical experts’ and teachers’ work will change. Yet, these professions will remain on the market. There is a phrase of unknown origin that states that people will always study, eat, and get sick. Thus, the specialties in these spheres have been, are, and will always be in high demand.
The pandemic has already contributed to the changes. It started the transition of education and entertainment into the virtual environment. This trend will continue in the future. In addition, the job market changes constantly. Some occupations that used to be in demand five years ago appear unnecessary and low-paid today. To avoid getting into the list of career-field outcasts, take a look at predictions from Skillhub and adjust your plans accordingly. Also, if you want to find a good job, you will need to create a good resume, here is an example of one of the resume builders.
So, here is the list of popular jobs that will remain so in the near future.
This expert deals with altering the properties of living organisms using the main principles of medicine and biology. One of the best examples is biopharmacy. It involves the development of advanced drugs and dietary supplements for therapeutic purposes. Also, bioengineers need to know bioinformatics – the creation of programs collecting and analyzing data in biology.
Big data is playing a key role in the growth of the bioengineering field. A team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin discussed this in their study Big Data Application in Biomedical Research and Health Care: A Literature Review.
Genetic Engineer
The world market’s need for genetic engineering is proliferating. As a result, this sphere has a high demand for specialists in the human genome and hereditary diseases and those involved in creating new crops. The market is growing due to advances in big data for the same reasons the University of Wisconsin study attributed to the growth in bioengineering.
Food Technologist
Foodtech is one of the main current business trends. The development of new food products – artificial meat, dairy substitutes, gluten-free confectionery – direct consequences of the growing demand for healthy food and the increase in population. Specialists in this area get a pretty high salary and ensure that the job remains relevant for decades.
Artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in the growth of Foodtech. More researchers are using predictive analytics and AI to anticipate the outcomes of various food engineering processes, so big data will be even more important to this field in the future.
Robotic Engineer
Robotics specialists are involved in the design, software development, and maintenance of robots. As robots enter our everyday lives, specialists dealing with them will get more work to do. There is already a division into areas: industrial robots, home, medical, gaming, and so on. It is a promising position for those skilled in mechanics, electronics, data analytics and ML.
Experience in coding is a skill that the world’s largest companies are willing to pay quite well. As a result, there is a real hunt for skilled programmers. A great demand for mobile application developers for iOS and Android is expected in the next ten years by 2025. Many programmers specialize in data science these days, which is playing a role in the growth of programming jobs.
3D Printing Designer
Almost anything can be printed on 3D printers – from jewels and artificial organs to residential buildings and uncrewed aircraft. With its help, designers create both prototypes and ready-to-use things. A skilled professional has to know both the field for which the object is created and 3D modeling. Low-level programming skills can also be helpful to develop software for printers.
Data analytics is attributed to many changes in the 3-D printing space. One of the biggest benefits of big data is that it can help 3-D printing experts uncover flaws in various designs before taking them to the printer. They can also use data analytics to conduct better research when conceptualizing their designs.
AI Expert
Today, artificial intelligence improves user experiences with programs and websites. A professional in neural networks uses machine learning as a primary instrument. With their help, AI learns to
- recognize objects;
- give meaningful answers to questions;
- reach decisions that traditional computer algorithms cannot make.
AI technologies are already used in many business niches – from processing loan applications in banks and resume screening to voice assistants in GPS navigation systems. In the future, the demand for AI training specialists will only grow.
Internet-of-Things Development Engineer
Specialists in this area are engaged in software development, machine learning, and analysis of data obtained from various devices. The Internet of Things enters all sizes, even such unexpected ones as street lighting control systems. The improvement of control systems for smart homes, cities, roads and uncrewed devices also belong to these specialists’ areas of expertise.
Big Data Analyst
They deal with analyzing significant amounts of unstructured information to identify connections that are not obvious at first glance. Based on the research, specialists in other spheres develop new substances and technologies and study behavioral patterns. It is better to use top cv writing services online for landing a fast-developing job.
Logistics Expert
It’s a very interesting profession in high demand. It revolves around the organization of the transportation of goods. A logistics specialist needs to develop the cheapest way to deliver products.
The surge in online sales amid the outburst of pandemics also boosted demand for logistics professionals. As a result, the best career prospects await logistics experts in large retail chains and transport companies.
Internet Marketing Manager
People spend most of their days on the web reading news, updating Instagram feeds, or chatting. As a result, businesses have to recoup and deliver information through relevant channels. This demands an Internet marketing expert.
A professional in general marketing can get certified in digital marketing and switch to Internet platforms. However, the one who knows how to construct a sales funnel and build online communication with a client will always be in demand.
Big data technology is more important than ever in the field of Internet marketing. This is especially true as more marketing strategies focus on highly targeted and personalized marketing, which requires detailed customer data.
Internet Advertising Expert
While online marketing deals with the general idea, someone still has to set advertising campaigns. This is the thing online advertising specialists deal with. Having learned how to work with targeted, contextual, or any other advertising, one will always find work as a full-time or a freelance expert.
Change Is the Only Constant
Technologies get into all areas of life. Current statistics suggest an increase in demand for technical specialists in the IT-sphere. In addition, population growth and eco-friendly lifestyle trends raise demand for bio- and genetic engineers. Some of the changes and trends are already quite visible. Some are yet to come into view.

Provided by Skillhub